I am going to use black coloured fonts from now on.It looks nicer that way and much easier to read.I'm also using a new type of speech bubble in this comic.This bubble has a shadow beneath it.Looks neater than the previous two text bubbles.
Speaking of Zombines,if i were to create a guide about zombines this would be it.
A Zombine is a headcrab that has turn a combine soldier into a zombie hence it's name.It was first discovered by Alyx Vance who is also the first person to named it.Zombines behave like any other zombies execpt they move a lot faster than the normal zombies but not as fast as the fast zombies.Zombines tend to pull out a hand grenade from their pocket if they get angry.This particular behaviour cause the other zombies to avoid the zombine.It is unknown why the zombine doesn't throw the grenade.Some may speculate that they become suicidal if they are angry.Others suggest that they may have mistaken the grenade as a soda can and though it could use the can as a club.Some people have claimed that they could heard the zombine saying go back,go back continuesly when encountered.Zombines,like any other zombie species can be easily stopped if shot in the head with a shotgun.
First seen in Half-life 2:Episode one