Sunday, August 20, 2006

Comic 4

Comic 3

Lesson learnt:
Just because some people
come from another country
doesn't mean they
couldn't speak your language.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Welcome to the Comic!

Comic 1

Hello and welcome to my comic!This comic is made entirely from MSPaint and nothing else.So there is no photopshop,no Fireworks or any other software.Just plain ol MSPaint.This is Nazoo,my cartoon character.His full name is Nazoo the Wizard/Acolyte of the desert but people just call him Nazoo for short.He prefer if people don't step on his sandy territory.Please do not mix up his name with Nerzhul or Naboo.You won't like him when he is angry or pronounce his name wrongly.

Enjoy this comic and tell your friends about it!

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Command and conquer:Tiberian dawn
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