Saturday, December 30, 2006

Comic 28

WELL NOT REALLY.If I couldn't access to the internet,would I have publish these relatively short strip?Yeah the earthquake did cut off most of Asia of their internet connection.It's no big deal now since they have backup connections to europe.I do hope they fix this problem soon.
AND another thing,if I'm too lazy too draw,would I have drawn Lam the Snail there?Well at least I don't put up some crappy stick men doodle as a filler like some comic authors do when they're lazy or forget to draw a comic.Sometimes,If I had no time to do this comic,I would just leave it as it is untill I have another free time to spare.I was busy because of the Java Programming class that I took for two weeks.Well,I wish for a Happy New Year.
The year 2006 has been eventful.Hopefully,the world will try to maintain peace.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Comic 27

Hey there.Here's another Half-life 2 parody or rather blooper.Hmm should have name the title,Half-life 2 Bloopers two.Strider Hiryu is a renegade ninja guy from the game named Strider made by Capcom.The first game is basicly a 2D hack and slash game.It's a fast pace action game sort of like Metal slug except you don't use guns to kill people but instead using a scythe.He have also appear in many other games from Capcom such as the Marvel VS Capcom series.In Half life 2,you'll met the strange tripod creature known as Strider.They are the largest enemy in the game and the most dangerous.It has a machinegun mounted to it's head while a laser beam cannon attach to it's body.(see picture)
It's laser beam is capable of vapourising anything and it could also used it's feet to impale anyone who gets too close.

The Strider's lower cannon doesn't looked like a dick but more of like a bug's abdomen.Like how wasp curve their abdomen when they sting.This is just a reference from the Half-life 2 Concerned comic where Frohman actually refers those as a you know what.

Ok,drawing this wasn't easy on Paint.Especialy Strider Hiryu.For the first panel,I actually base the drawing from one of my GMod posing screenshot.

And the Strider on the fifth panel is based on another GMod screenshot

I actually intended to put up this image as the last panel but the flying strudel looks kind of wierd so i left it out.Strudel by the way is a sort of a pastry.Read wikipedia if you wish to know more.

Comic 26

This is Melissa.She have a pet headcrab named Harpy.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Comic 25

OK just before you start asking WHY Scott's left hand is missing in the first 3 pics,well that's because he put his hand inside his pocket.Damn,I gotta to be more careful about my drawings.Oh well.

BTW,the PSP don't have any Automated Parachute.Anyway,a single drop may not neccesarily harm the PSP.
My cousin have a white PSP.He only got two games,
The Sims and Need for speed Most Wanted.

The PSP is impressive for a multi entertainment device.Almost everyone in Singapore owns a PSP.I have thoughts of getting a PSP for my own but it is too expensive.

As for Scott and Adam,I've did some changes to their design.They no longer look blocky and Scott is suppose to be taller than Adam.I decided to draw Adam's eyes using the curve tool instead of the elipse tool.I just realise if his eyes are perfect circle,it would look kind of bulging and I can't do a proper expression with his face.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Comic 24

If you don't understand this joke,read Comic 20.You'll see this is an exact reverse of the first one.

You'll see some improvements over the previous one.Now I'm colouring people's tounge pink instead of red and all sound effects which are outside of a speech bubbles will have a black outlines to make them stand out.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Comic 22

I am going to use black coloured fonts from now on.It looks nicer that way and much easier to read.I'm also using a new type of speech bubble in this comic.This bubble has a shadow beneath it.Looks neater than the previous two text bubbles.

Speaking of Zombines,if i were to create a guide about zombines this would be it.

A Zombine is a headcrab that has turn a combine soldier into a zombie hence it's name.It was first discovered by Alyx Vance who is also the first person to named it.Zombines behave like any other zombies execpt they move a lot faster than the normal zombies but not as fast as the fast zombies.Zombines tend to pull out a hand grenade from their pocket if they get angry.This particular behaviour cause the other zombies to avoid the zombine.It is unknown why the zombine doesn't throw the grenade.Some may speculate that they become suicidal if they are angry.Others suggest that they may have mistaken the grenade as a soda can and though it could use the can as a club.Some people have claimed that they could heard the zombine saying go back,go back continuesly when encountered.Zombines,like any other zombie species can be easily stopped if shot in the head with a shotgun.

First seen in Half-life 2:Episode one

Friday, November 10, 2006

Comic 21

Hey!It's Ned and Ted Grunt from the previous CS noob skits.Looks like they're back

Speaking of buttons,there are some buttons that you shouldn't be pressing during a game of Counterstrike especially source.For example,it is obvious that you should never press escape or the window button which unfortunately tend to be pressed by accident.For the F10 button case,unless you had assign a command to it,it is basicly a quick exit button.I learn that the hard way while during the game.Someone told me if i want to check my rank quickly,all i have to do is press F10.Of course,I was immediately booted out of the game the moment i pressed F10.Damn gotta remember to assign that key the next time I play CS.

Another evil quick exit button in CS is the infamous alt+F4 .Press those two together and you'll be sent back to the desktop faster than you could say :


Friday, November 03, 2006

Comic 20

The giant creature you see behind the security guard is the alien tentacle from Half-life.Probably the most scariest and deadly Xen creature in Half-life.They are attracted to sound so if you meet one,just keep quiet and move away.I have never been terrified and frustrated in all my life when I played the blast pit level.But after manage to get through this seemingly indestructeble monster,I've realise that it does not look tough now.I admit they do make meledious sound.I wish they brought that thing back in Half-life 2 Hopefully in Episode 3.Since the Hydra monster didn't make it,why not bring back the old original ones?The headcrabs made it! I wonder what will happen to this thing if it lived in the middle of an antlion nest?

Comic 19

This is Scott and Adam.Two,umm random recurring characters in this comic.You may see them often in the future.